Weather Station Status

This page shows the current status of the weather software and hardware used in the operation of this website.


  This website uses Cumulus MX (3.28.5-b3282)
  Cumulus MX running for 5 days 9 hours
  Station system running for 5 days 9 hours
  Last Cumulus MX error You are not running the latest version of Cumulus MX, build 4039 is available.

Davis Weather Station Information

  Davis firmware version 3.15
  Console battery voltage 4.48
  ISS battery condition 1-ok 2-ok 3-ok 4-ok 5-ok 6-ok 7-ok 8-ok
  Percentage of good packets 99.65%

Website Updates

Component Status Age
Latest update time as of
15/10/2024 02:59
Cumulus MX realtime Current 0:00:51 15/10/2024 02:58
Cumulus MX FTP Current 0:00:50 15/10/2024 02:58
Cumulus MX weather data Current 0:01:03 15/10/2024 02:58
Cumulus MX NOAA report Current 2:58:58 15/10/2024 00:00
WXSIM forecast Current 5:59:03 14/10/2024 21:00