Weather Station Status
This page shows the current status of the weather software and hardware used in the operation of this website.General
  This website uses Cumulus MX (4.3.3-b4070)  Cumulus MX running for 3 days 4 hours
  Station system running for 3 days 4 hours
  Last Cumulus MX error LOOP: 35 - Timed out waiting for LOOP data
Davis Weather Station Information
  Davis firmware version 3.15  Console battery voltage 4.47
  ISS battery condition 1-ok 2-ok 3-ok 4-ok 5-ok 6-ok 7-ok 8-ok
  Percentage of good packets 99.95%
Website Updates
Component | Status | Age h:m:s |
Latest update time as of 12/02/2025 19:46 |
Cumulus MX realtime | Current | 0:00:04 | 12/02/2025 19:46 |
Cumulus MX FTP | Current | 0:00:04 | 12/02/2025 19:46 |
Cumulus MX weather data | Current | 0:00:36 | 12/02/2025 19:46 |
Cumulus MX NOAA report | Current | 19:46:34 | 12/02/2025 00:00 |
WXSIM forecast | Current | 1:46:36 | 12/02/2025 18:00 |